Creature of Science

My name is rock, this is my blog of modern life in the western world. Ex-punk, ex-sailor-ex-husband, welcome to world in flux
Friday, December 13, 2002
Man, I am soooo tired. The pace has picked up at work, the job at the Phila House is increasing and PHILCON is this weekend. I don't know how I'll survive.

That's a lie, energy replentishment technology is always near by and you are allowed to "just plain Pass out" at the con. Fear not loyal reader.

Hey! I just found a pic of myself on Google. Goto Google Pictures and input "Charlie Robertson" and there I am, pre hardRock days w/ Joanie Dashoff, local science fiction luminary. Whoda thunkit? That was a great time, we won the woldcon bid with better food! The fandom votes with it's stomach.

Gotta Go

Thursday, December 12, 2002
It's WAR I tell you, TOTAL WAR! Stopping ships in the sea (if it's a legal sale,why hide the scuds under concrete??), Punitive oil blockades (Oh yeah, get all belligerant to N. Korea, they always respond well to bluster), and to top it off, Republican nostalgia for the good 'ole days of segragation.

Note to rock: get cracking on that rocketship in the backyard to leave this twisted mudball covered in talking monkeys.

Wellll, Philcon, the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society's Annual Convention is this weekend, Y'all Come. I'll be there. Nalo Hopkinson will be there, her "Robber Queen" was one of my favorite books last year. Robert Picardo will be there also. Cool Guests.

out now, in later

Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Holeee Snowy Molee
Howdy sports fans. Sorry for the hiatus, If you know me, you'll understand, If you don't know me, be everthankful.
It snowed, It stuck, I'm a happy 'lil robot. I'll be skiing soon.

Did a DJ gig at BULLIES in the botom of the First Union Spectrum for Captian Drew's Catering (Andrew Sciczinski owner of Fatheads Pub, my Friday residency)
Killed them Dead. Always a good feeling to leave an entire crowd of people sweaty, tired and happy

Taken just keeps getting better and better with the introduction of our big-eyed narrator and Matt Frewer (Max Headroom) taking over the amoral scientist role. I love that guy, He looks nuts!

The Muse just gave me "The Young Ones" to watch on DVD. A British comedy series from the 80's it really touched a nerve for all that was going on with the young and hip at the time. That would have been Me (if i was actually hip and not a mess).

Piccies later, as i master this HTML thingie


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